The Founder

Kevin Buckler

For anyone looking to get into shape, Kevin Buckler is the perfect choice. As a renowned private trainer and proprietor of the nicest private gym in Ft. Lauderdale, he has been trusted by many fitness enthusiasts over the years. His expertise coupled with his commitment to customer service makes him stand out as one of the leading trainers in South Florida. Kevin takes pride in utilizing only the best equipment, knowledge and methods to help clients reach their goals faster and more safely. As a passionate advocate for health and wellness, he will work with you on developing custom-tailored programs that will provide the best results possible. Whether you're looking for strength training or just want cardio health, Kevin Buckler has helped many before and is ready to help you get fit today!

our Personalized Services

Being a member of the best fitness experience possible starts with just one visit. You can become part of our gym and train exclusively with personal trainers or buy class only packages for massages at leisure time! Although it's not required that you use all services offered by us in order to get benefits from them - we want people getting as much value out their visits while enjoying what they're buying.

The best trainers in town

We all deserve to live a healthy life, and that includes you! Whether your body doesn’t feel like working out or just hasn't been in the mood lately- we have some ideas. Our team wants everyone who visits Coral Ridge Fitness to know they are welcomed here with open arms no matter what their reasons might be for wanting fitness help. We'll show them how it should work so there's never any need go layers between themselves and achieving those goals again. Some people are into fitness for the competition and some just want to get in shape. We all have our differences, but there's no reason why you can't come explore what we've got on offer!

Are you ready for a life changing experience?

At Coral Ridge Fitness, our personal trainers are taught to take a holistic approach. No matter what your goals are, injury prevention and proper movement patterns are key. From the start, we try to identify faulty motor patterns, mobility deficits, and strength imbalances that could not only injure you, but slow down your progress toward your more direct goal as well. It isn’t just enough to work hard; you have to work hard and smart.

Far too often, a workout of the day is created for all the clients of a given trainer, only slightly modifying where absolutely necessary. This takes the “personal” out of personal training, and it isn’t of maximum value to you if this is the service being provided. Although there are some basic movement patterns everyone will perform at some level, everything from the movement preparation, to loading parameters, to total training volume, to emphasis on weaknesses in strength will vary according to the person and their goals. Templates are just templates, they need to be modified to meet a specific person’s needs.

3432 N Ocean Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308

(954) 328-0244


© Copyright 2023 Coral Ridge Fitness | All Rights Reserved.

Hours: Monday-Friday 5am-7pm Saturday, Sunday By Appointment